USB port over-current condition

Here's a share-worthy event: over-current condition on the USB port

I posted the setup used to attach the sensor to my laptop USB port.  It's time to revise!

Even though these sensors come on breakout boards that are reasonable to connect to, they still are pretty darn tiny.  I try to keep a jiggle-free environment, but apparently, not still enough.  The power and ground connectors are adjacent on the breakout board, and if they touch, KABOOM!!  No, just kidding ;)  Just a quiet little over-current message and that USB port shuts down.

Of course, that little shut-down had me worried something was wrong with the Diolan (no power, no indicator lite).  The Diolan is the more expensive part of the set up  ~$75 and it had to be shipped all the way from Israel, so I've been babying it!

I believe many developers place the breakout board on breadboards, but I connect them with clips to a Diolan adapter.  If you are doing the same, you can try this little extension of ground using the header pins, probably provided with your breakout board.   The little rack of header pins, extends ground just far enough, to connect it a safe distance from power.

This error message shows that I talked to the device,  but that wasn't always the case.  Sometimes I'd plug the Diolan in, get the over-current condition, and not even the Diolan is detected.

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